Prayer Breakfast
From this Saturday 21 March, and until further notice, Prayer Breakfasts are suspended.
Peter Halden writes, on behalf of the CTiS&D officers,
In the light of government guidance yesterday we have taken the reluctant decision to temporarily stop holding our weekly prayer breakfast meetings until further notice. We have a duty to look after each other, especially the elderly and vulnerable and, unfortunately most of us fall within that definition. We will resume the meetings as soon as we can.
Ruth Ridge adds:
Although we may not be able to meet together in person, this does not stop us from praying together as the body of Christ. If you are able to, please do commit to spending some time between 8.30am and 9.30am praying, remembering that others will be doing the same.’
David Stranack adds:
There is so much to pray for but may I suggest we take note of the many positives that are coming to light – communities working to help the vulnerable – looking out for neighbours etc. It would be good when in the future we are able to meet again, that we can share positive stories and give thanks that God is inspiring so much love and compassion.