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Pilgrimage to Ely Cathedral – an invitation to join us

27 September 2017 No Comment

Pilgrimage to Ely Cathedral – an invitation to join us

St Gregory’s Church have arranged a pilgrimage to Ely Cathedral on Saturday 14th October 2017, leaving Sudbury at about 10.30am and returning by about 8pm. There are spare places on the coach, available on a “first come” basis. The cost is £15 which covers travel and a donation to the cathedral.

The day starts with a Communion Service in the cathedral and ends with Choral Evensong. In between there is a visit to Powcher’s Hall (part of the ancient buildings surrounding the cathedral, where there will also be space to eat packed lunches), a pilgrimage round the cathedral led by a Canon, and free time to explore Ely.

Contact Mrs Mandy Turner (mandyhgturner@gmail.com , 01787 312900, 14 Lombardy Road, Sudbury, CO10 1LQ) as soon as possible.

See further information and booking form .

Please make this known in your own church.

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