Palm Sunday at Sudbury Baptist Church
Palm Sunday at Sudbury Baptist Church
Billy Graham “Big Sing” – Palm Sunday, 24 March at 6.30pm
The popular “Big Sing” is back, with a Billy Graham special on Palm Sunday evening and Paul Mizen will be returning to lead the service. Sudbury Baptist Church is hosting the event, which will be followed by refreshments. Please come, and invite your friends and neighbours. Download a poster advertising the event.
Billy Graham began his Greater London Crusade in 1954 – the biggest single venture in evangelism attempted in the century. A total of 1,750,000 attended the crusade during its twelve-week period, and long before the end its impact was felt throughout the length and breadth of the land. Perhaps you are one of those whose testimony can be traced back to Harringay, or the Mission to London crusade of 1966, or even Mission England in 1984, which was partly held at Ipswich? If so, Paul would love to hear your story. It is hoped to include two or three testimonies during the “Big Sing”.
Please contact Paul on 01508 520535 or email him at
Further information about the event can be obtained from our Administrator, Carol Napper on 01787 371928 or email: .