News from Storehouse
Vicky Leonard writes:
I can’t believe it’s December already – where has this year gone!
Here at Storehouse we have already started packing Christmas food bags and they will start being sent out this week. Just a little reminder that if you would like to put a smile on an extra person’s face this year please donate your Christmas bag before 10th Dec. We won’t be able to accept your treats after that date.
Covid restrictions are changing all of our lives and they have certainly affected the way we can work at Storehouse. So that our volunteers can focus just on distributing emergency food and Christmas treats in a Covid safe way – all of our donation points will close on Wed 16th Dec and will not re-open until Tues 5th Jan. The Vineyard Centre will be closed to direct donations from Tues 15th Dec until Fri 8th Jan.
However, our emergency food distribution services will remain open supporting people over the festive period. We will only close on 25th Dec and 1st Jan.
Please continue to pray for our volunteers and for those in need in our community.
Every blessing, Storehouse