News from Shimpling
News from Shimpling
Spring Market – Shimpling Village Hall. The Street, Shimpling. Saturday 12 March. 10.00 to 13.00.
Stalls and refreshments.
All profits to Alpheton and Shimpling Churches.
‘Beer and Hymns‘-The Bush Pub, The Street, Shimpling. Friday 18 March from 20.00
Following on from the successful ‘Beer and Carols’ held in December, please join us in community singing of traditional hymns accompanied by folk musicians and drinking fine ales (or something non-alcoholic).
It would be lovely to have folk from Sudbury and District Churches taking part in this event along with the locals (See poster).
Shimpling is about 7 miles from Sudbury on the A134 towards Bury St Edmunds, pass Long Melford, Bridge Street and Alpheton Villages and then take signpost to Shimpling/Chadacre.
The pub is situated on the entrance (right hand side) as you go through the main street.