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8 May 2019 No Comment

Suffolk Road Church has started holding a new meeting on Sunday evenings entitled “Cornerstone”. The intention is to provide an opportunity for people to come together in a relaxed and informal “café style” setting, where they can enjoy good teaching and fellowship. Each meeting starts with some light refreshments, followed by a fifteen minute talk and time to discuss the topic. Plenty of opportunity is provided to ask questions, and if they can’t be answered on the night, they will be covered in a future session.

This new venture has got off to an excellent start, with very positive feedback from those who attend. The teaching is pitched at a level that engages the interest of both the experienced Christian and those who are either new to the faith or just interested in finding out more about Christianity. For some it’s proving to be a valuable reminder and clarification    of what the Bible teaches. For others it’s opening up a whole new world of discovery about the Christian faith.

Cornerstone takes place every Sunday at 6:30pm. Further details can be obtained by emailing cornerstone@suffolkroadchurch.org.uk .

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