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Martin Cavender Day

8 January 2014 No Comment

Martin Cavender Day from Lynda Sebbage

Please see attached, details of two events being organised by Churches Together in Bury St Edmunds and District for Saturday 18th January.

There is a day seminar followed by an evening service of Praise and Prayer at Garland Street.  

I do commend them to you as Martin Cavender from ReSource is an excellent speaker and a prophetic teacher. The day conference will be particularly helpful in enabling local churches to work and focus effectively in the face of the challenges that we need to handle in today’s world.  This is the weekend to encourage each of us to reach out in faith as part of the Week of Christian Unity so please do give it your consideration. 

To make your booking, please contact Frances Parr  on 01284 716430 or email : francesparr@btinternet.com  by 13th January please!  (ReSource’s mission is for the renewal of people and churches for mission in the power of the Holy Spirit – for more information please go to www.resource-arm.net)

See: Poster

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