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Marriage Focus Group

31 August 2011 No Comment

Marriage Focus Group

The next meeting will take place on Wednesday 31st August 2.30pm at No72.

Key points arising from previous meeting were:

Syd Platt will email his list of trained Christian Counsellors to JC & RP. He will look for a suitable counselling venue in Sudbury, and enquire which Counsellors would be interested in referrals. He will also look for a suitable person to oversee the resource arrangements.

Explore’ Schools programme: Chris Ramsey is very interested in running this programme at Gt. Cornard Upper.

Marriage Fayre Sept. 24th, St Peter’s. Each church to be asked to find a couple to help promote  “Prepare and Enrich”

MF Booklet. Reduce verbiage, change cover format and include date.

There is now a Marriage Focus page on our website – find it under “Special Areas”. This section is due to expand.

ContactJohn Clark

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