Marriage Focus Group
Marriage Focus Group
The next meeting will take place on Wednesday 31st August 2.30pm at No72.
Key points arising from previous meeting were:
Syd Platt will email his list of trained Christian Counsellors to JC & RP. He will look for a suitable counselling venue in Sudbury, and enquire which Counsellors would be interested in referrals. He will also look for a suitable person to oversee the resource arrangements.
‘Explore’ Schools programme: Chris Ramsey is very interested in running this programme at Gt. Cornard Upper.
Marriage Fayre Sept. 24th, St Peter’s. Each church to be asked to find a couple to help promote “Prepare and Enrich”
MF Booklet. Reduce verbiage, change cover format and include date.
There is now a Marriage Focus page on our website – find it under “Special Areas”. This section is due to expand.
Contact: John Clark