Living Lives of Worship @ Sudbury Baptist Church
Living Lives of Worship @ Sudbury Baptist Church
On Saturday the 25th June we have Danny Oates and his team from New Life Church in Sleaford coming to lead us in a day exploring worship. Danny is the Worship Pastor at New Life, and last year was part of the worship team at the ONE Event (formerly Grapevine).
We’d love you to join with us for the day, the main sessions will be from 10:00am until 3pm with lunch in the middle (please bring a packed lunch) and then from 4pm Danny and his team will lead us in an afternoon of Spirit filled praise and worship.
The afternoon (4pm onwards) will be suitable for the whole family and promises to be a time to encounter our awesome God in all His glory.
If you are interested in coming along or want to know more please contact Phil Longhurst on 07748677767 or email
We look forward to welcoming you to SBC.
See poster.