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Live on Market Hill – Report

19 July 2009 No Comment

church-bpLive on Market Hill, Sunday 12th July 2009 – A Report

Market Hill in Sudbury, usually designated as a place for shoppers to park their cars, was completely transformed, when churches throughout Sudbury and District combined their efforts to stage their third open air event in the centre of the town. So you could be forgiven if, coming into the town centre on Sunday 12th July, you had thought you were in the wrong place – the whole area had been changed from car park to open air festival of music, dance, theatre and food!

This was the largest annual event that Churches Together in Sudbury have staged in recent times and was aimed to provide an afternoon of free entertainment and food for everyone regardless of whether they attended church or not. The theme this year was “What is so amazing about Grace?” which the event attempted to demonstrate by being free and open to everyone. The message was that God’s hand is outstretched to everyone and costs nothing to take hold of.

A huge articulated truck trailer was positioned across the square; this was transformed into a central stage so that the hundreds of people who converged on the market square could hear the tremendous musical line-up on show. This included the talented Psalm Drummers, led by Dan Abbott and Michelle Tennens. The drummers played a selection of powerful rhythms using a variety of African djembe drums. Two highly successful bands, Breath of Life led by Jon Halden and CCF led by Brian Thake took centre stage; St Andrew’s choir and The Salvation Army Band provided additional choruses and music. Top of the bill was one of Britain’s foremost worship leaders and songwriters, Dave Bilbrough, along with his wife Pat. They led a powerful and exciting array of choruses and songs. With over three decades in full-time Christian ministry and many albums to his credit, Dave is recognised as one of the leading Christian musicians in the country. It was a great privilege to see him in Sudbury as part of the celebrations.

Along the roadside, an array of highly polished motorcycles were parked up. These belonged to the Christian Motorcyclist Association – men and women dressed in their black leathers. Their mission is to travel throughout the country to share the gospel. Their aim is to break down the barriers that people put up when it comes to “religion” and meet with people in the real world whoever they are, and they certainly attracted a huge audience!

Face painting, provided by the Eden’s Youth Project, and the Bouncy Castle were popular with the children. Kettle & Fish supplied a constant stream of free teas, coffees and squashes. The Marriage Focus group and Men In Christ group had stalls providing information about their activities and reported a high volume of interest.

The sunny weather brought out a huge crowd, and Malcolm Offord, Vice-Chair of Churches Together in Sudbury & District commented: “One of the most exciting aspects of the afternoon was the way in which the various groups joined together to produce a fantastic variety of music and activity. People were having SO much fun expressing their faith and responding to the challenge of the theme – it was a delight to be part of such a successful event!”

Lynda Sebbage.

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