Lent Courses in Sudbury and District
Lent Courses in Sudbury and area 2019.
St John’s Methodist Church – ‘Living Fruitfully’ 6 sessions to be held at St John’s Methodist Church, Sudbury at 2.30pm on Fridays 8th, 15th 22nd and 29thMarch and 5th and 12th April, for more details contact Revd John Boardman on 01787 372738. Free fruit!
Acton and Great Waldingfield – “Why Easter?” five sessions to be held at Great Waldingfield School on Wednesdays 13th, 20th, 27th March and 3rd and 10thApril all at 7pm-9pm, for more details contact Faith Marsden on 01787 312002.
Lavenham Churches – “The prophetic voice of the Church” Tuesday mornings 9.45am for refreshments, 10am start (will finish by 11.30am) at the Salvation Army Hall, The Commons, Lavenham on 12th, 19th, 26thMarch and 2nd and 9th April.
St Catherine’s Long Melford – Lent lunch and talk on the theme “God at work”. 12-1.30pm on Friday 8th, 15th, 29th March and 5th April and Saturdays 23rd March and 13th April.
Stour Valley Vineyard – Weekly online Lent reflections and Lent challenge. Sign up athttps://stourvalleyvineyard.org/lent/ .