Lent courses
Lent Courses
A list of Lent courses being held in churches around Sudbury and District is below and also as a poster .
Lent Courses in Sudbury and area 2017.
St John’s Methodist Church – “Thinking about worship”, four sessions to be held at The Manse, 24 Waldingfield Road, Sudbury at 10am on Fridays 17th, 24th, 31st March and 7th April, for more details contact Revd John Boardman on 01787 372738.
All Saints’ Sudbury – “Living God’s love with generosity, joy, imagination, courage … and for the sake of the world”, a five session course. There will be two groups meeting, one on Sundays beginning 5th March at 6.30pm at 59 Station Road (for more details contact Jane Lloyd on 374108) and one on Wednesdays at 10.30am starting 8th March at Pinecroft Rise (contact Malcolm Offord 315689).
St Gregory’s, Sudbury – “Generous God, generous people”. Four session course with multiple venues and times; for more details contact Revd Cheryl Collins on 01787 375027 or cheryl62collins@btinternet.com .
Acton and Great Waldingfield – “The Lord’s Prayer”, five sessions to be held at Acton School on Thursdays 9th, 16th 23rd and 30th March and Thursday 6th April all at 7pm-9pm, for more details contact Revd Caroline Hallett on 01787 377287.
Lavenham Churches – “Living an authentic life”. Tuesday mornings 9.45am for refreshments, 10am start (will finish by 11.30am) at the Salvation Army Hall, The Commons, Lavenham on 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th March and 4th April.
Joint Lent Course – “The Church as host, the Church as guest”, four sessions to be held on Wednesday mornings at 10.30am 8th, 15th, 22nd and 29th March at St John’s Methodist Church. Contact Ruth Ridge on 01787 204364 or ruthkridge@gmail.com for more details. Please note that the last two sessions of the Joint Lent Course have been cancelled.