July Forum – tomorrow! (or today, if you are reading this on Wednesday!)
10 July 2024
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The next Churches Together Open Forum will be held at Great Waldingfield Church on Wednesday July 10th at 7.30pm. Revd Chris Ramsey will give an update on the Stour Valley Men’s Shed and will talk about “Still Good to Eat”. Revd Faith Marsden will talk about Community Pantry, which operates from Great Waldingfield. Refreshments will be available from 7.00 pm.
As always, the Forum is open to all local churchgoers. Please come along, and encourage others to come too.
Please share cars where possible, both for eco reasons and as roadside parking space is limited. Depending on conditions, parking in a nearby field may be available.
Please see:
- informal agenda
- formal agenda
- Finances-Report from Peter Heard covering the period up to 8 June. Peter will tell us about subsequent transactions, at the meeting.
- minutes of the April Forum.