Jagfest 2
Jagfest 2 – on 10th August 2014
This year’s good cause is the Soldiers Charity.There has never been a church input in this charity since it was formed in 1944.It supports a number of rehab programs for ex vet and families, the oldest is a 95 year ex D day vet, the youngest is a two year old son of an Afghan fatality.
I`m trying to make churches aware of the impending problem ex serving soldiers have with combat stress.Records show that there has been a 57% increase in ex servicemen seeking help from the NHS in over just one year , that is just the tip of the iceberg. Of Falklands vets, there are now more suicides than were killed in the conflict. Speaking to an ex Royal Engineer, Bosnia was awful situation for those serving, that`s without considering all the other conflicts , Northern Ireland, Iraq etc which has yet to kick in.
There is massive spiritual battle with these guys, many of who fall out of society and turn to drink/ drugs or crime. Many become homeless, it is proven many more become suicidal. Many have walked into the shadow of the valley of death and stayed in that darkness till death, that is their own personal front line .I`m not saying the church can remedy it, but we can come alongside and bring in the organisations who can, but we can help the healing process with prayer and support. This is our front line duty as disciples of Christ.
The Genesis Trust will be giving a talk about there work with the homeless in Ipswich, many of which are ex service personnel; working with the churches the homeless are offered the choice of 3 of the churches who open their doors to provide temporary shelter. Awesome.
Jagfest is a christian event but it has always been about bringing people to God and leaving God to do his work .
This is where Jagfest will operate , with many of you just witnessing and being there to listen and pray. There will be a a quiet place to pray. Music, Food from Agape, a burger van., Bury slot car club and lots of cars, Christian bikers, The soldiers charity,Genesis trust,Marshals, etc etc will all be here and supporting the event. I would like to make a brief presentation I have compiled with Col Aldous (retired) highlighting the issue, I`m going on the road to give the presentation to churches in the area, if you can speak to your churches members please ask on my behalf.
The first will be at All Saints this Sunday.
Your prayers and support would be gratefully received.,
God bless,
Paul Roach