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28 April 2011 No Comment

100’s of people attended the event!

Easter Saturday saw numerous biblical characters roaming the market area in the town.

They were dressed in costume from the Easter story – Pilate, Barrabas, Mary Magdalene and many more – all out and about on the sunny day which had attracted hoards of people to the centre of Sudbury.

What a wonderful opportunity to witness to both children and adults alike!

Few occasions could provide the chance to talk openly about Jesus than this.

The children had collection cards with which they went around the town ‘spy-ing’ the characters listed on the card and when completed, they came back in to St Peter’s to enter the prize draw.

Whilst all this was going on outside, inside St Peter’s it was a hive of activity with children being able to make delightful stained paper windows, quilling and even have their face painted. One the most exciting of games that attracted many boys (both old and young!) was that of making paper planes and flying them across St Peter’s just to see how far they could travel! Low flying paper planes whizzing through the air to the sound of laughter and
fun just encapsulated the atmosphere of the place.

The event culminated with a short play “Were you there?” which was written and produced by Eleanor Ridge and performed by all the characters who had been in the town earlier. Set to the side of the stage was a splendid empty ‘garden tomb’ specially recreated for the event and full of colour from the spring flowers.

Commented Churches Together in Sudbury and District, Chairman Peter Halden: “This event was most amazing and God blessed – the numbers of people to whom the characters could talk about Jesus was beyond our expectations and just proved the impact we can make as a Christian community working together like this in Sudbury to outreach to the town across all age groups!”


The priest
The Mayor and characters
Pilate & centurion
Garden tomb

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