Holy Land pilgrimage
“Bringing the scriptures alive in an exciting & unforgettable way… a pilgrimage of a lifetime!”
Numbers for the 10-day Holy Land pilgrimage in Feb 2019 (overlapping ½ term: Fri 15th – Sun 24th February) are coming along well with flights and hotels about to be secured.
Most likely we will be flying both ways with El Al so with greater comfort of course kosher drinks and meals provided.
Those booked already are from various places locally and beyond and there are still places for others to join us who may wish to.
If you would like to come, please contact me as soon as possible to take advantage of the special price quoted.
Left until later you may still be able to join, but the special price may no longer be available.
A wonderful pilgrimage to the Holy Land
Friday 15th February – Sunday 24th February 2019
Led by Revd Stephen Earl
You are warmly invited to join me in visiting the beautiful places we read about in the Bible.
A land of contrasts – from fertile Galilee and the ‘calm of hills above’ to the ‘steep and rugged
pathway’ to Jerusalem; from the bread basket of the central plains to the barrenness of the
Jordan Valley and Dead Sea.
Following in the steps of Jesus, this will be truly memorable ‘pilgrimage of a lifetime’ visiting Biblical and other sites
of antiquity, meeting those who inhabit this stunning land
of varied beauty – ‘the land of milk and honey’… an experience you will never forget!
Early booking is advised to avoid disappointment.
Bookings will be accepted on a first come, first served basis.
If you are interested in joining this tour and for full details, the Brochure & Booking Form
are available or request from
Revd Stephen Earl
The Rectory, Church Street
Suffolk, CO10 9SA
and accessible on Lavenham Church website: www.lavenhamchurch.onesuffolk.net
See Flyer, booking form, brochure.