Healing/Bereavement Seminars
Healing/Bereavement Seminars
The Healing Ministry Task Group warmly invite you to attend two seminars in February focussing on the subject of bereavement with guest speakers, The Rev’d Charles Amoah and Yvonne Holman from St Nicholas Hospice. These seminars are designed for everyone who has an interest in this particular subject – the first session is about the terminally ill and the pastoral care needed for both them and their loved ones; the second is specifically about children’s bereavement both as a child who has been bereaved or family members affected by the loss of a child. The whole area of bereavement can be a difficult and sensitive one however, we are sure that both Charles and Yvonne will provide a very helpful and informative session that will equip us all with a deeper understanding.
Churches Together in Sudbury & District Healing Ministry Task Group invites you to
“Pastoral care of the terminally ill and bereaved”, on Thursday, 2nd February 2012 at Suffolk Road Church, Sudbury, 7.30pm – 9pm with refreshments from 7pm. Guest speaker: The Rev’d Charles Amoah, Chaplain at St Nicholas Hospice.
“Children and bereavement” on Thursday, 9th February 2012, at Suffolk Road Church, Sudbury, 7.30pm – 9pm, with refreshments from 7pm. Guest speaker: Yvonne Holman, Family Support Social Worker at St Nicholas Hospice.
Please note there is limited availability – booking essential – please contact Lynda Sebbage, email: lynda@sebbage.com should you wish to attend.
No charge will be made, but there will a retiring collection for the work of St Nicholas Hospice.
Please circulate these details in your church and display the poster.