Google online Calendar
CTiS Google online Calendar
You will find our Google online Calendar on this website, under “Calendar”.
It is up-to-date (as far as is believed) until the end of December. Please tell me of any errors or omissions. Its purpose is to enable all of us to have an overview of the month or week, and to check ahead when arranging an event, to avoid clashes. For this reason it is helpful to know about any date as soon as it is fixed.
In Google Calendar, click on an event to see details; if an email address or website is included, click on “more details” to make the link active. [I learn something new every day!]
We are seeking a volunteer to add 2013 events and to update the calendar whenever new information is in Church News.
We are grateful to Darren Wakefield for setting up the calendar and maintaining it for many months.
Malcolm (Snow)