Gift Aid Small Donations Scheme
Gift Aid Small Donations Scheme
We hope all churches and other eligible charities are already taking advantage of this scheme. Below is a message with a link to a useful guide. Please pass it to the appropriate person in your organisation.
At CTiS&D United Services, offerings for Future Vision are already treated under this scheme, and it is hoped that those for Eden’s will be. For Christian Aid, Gift Aid envelopes are provided. The December service is a matter for the hospice.
Gift Aid Small Donations Scheme
Name: Jonathon Doubtfire
I am getting in touch because I have some information that I believe will be of use to the churches in your area.
Our business currently produces offering envelopes for over 6,000 churches in the UK.
Conversations with many of our customers have led us to believe that there is still a lack of knowledge about HMRC’s Gift Aid Small Donations Scheme.
We have therefore put together a very simple, eye catching and easy to understand infographic to simplify all the key details of this scheme. You can view this here –
This infographic is much more “bitesize” than other online sources on this subject.
It can also be downloaded at the bottom of the page and printed out as a reference for church admin teams.
Best wishes