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Fundraising Cake Stall for Future Vision

26 August 2013 No Comment

FV fundraising cake stall

Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You

… from all at Future Vision for all the cakes that were donated last Saturday and for the people who came to buy them.  We were overwhelmed by your generosity!  We made nearly £200 and we sold out in 21/2 hours and we missed the rain shower.  God is good and so are his people.  Thank you all again from the bottom of our hearts.


Sudbury Market Saturday 7th September 2013

Charity cake stall to raise money for Future Vision to go towards all the schools work we are involved in.

Come and buy a cake or three or bake us a cake and drop it off at 0900 at the market and, of course, buy another one!

All money raised will go towards

  • N:vision – Schools groups in primary and senior schools.
  • Open the Book – Assemblies in primary schools.
  • Lifepath – Events for primary schools.
  • Lessons, chaplaincy and teacher support

All part of what Future Vision provides.

Please help us by baking or buying.

See you there.

A4 Poster attached or print two-to-a-page as A5 flyers.

About Future Vision

Future Vision works in the schools of Sudbury for part of every day of the week. If you visited the schools you might find Jo Longhurst or Lesley Mitchell leading a group of volunteers in an Open the Book Assembly, or Lesley running an n:vision club or Ian Copeman taking an assembly or lessons.

Future Vision’s Annual Report and accounts for the 12 months ending 31 May 2013.

This work is offered to the schools free of charge so the money we pay our workers comes from donations, either from individuals or churches. We have had a fantastic response to our appeal in April, for which we thank you all, but we need to think of next year and with this in mind we have 3 different fund raising events planned:

1) 22nd June – Summer Concert – Poster

2) 29th June – Barbeque and information evening (details to follow)

3) 7th September – A cake stall in Sudbury Market (if you are a cake maker please plan to make one for us. If you are  not a maker then please be a buyer (details to follow)

Please give your support at one of these events or more if you can so that the work of Future Vision can continue into the future.

Thank you.

Finally we need volunteers to help with the Open the Book Assemblies which take place once a fortnight. These are the specific needs:

Monday 9am – Hillside Special School

Wednesday 3.10pm – Great Waldingfield Primary

If YOU can help please contact Jo Longhurst:  jolonghurst@f2s.com or 01787 379468.

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