Foxearth Meadows newsletter (read it at Foxearth Meadows News ).
Andy writes: Some articles which I’d hoped to see included didn’t make it to the final cut (including one by Kerry Butcher on New Life Church at the reserve). You can find them on the A Rocha UK website at:
Westmont College students visit Foxearth Meadows – A Rocha UK
The Prayer Pointers were also inadvertently omitted. Please join us in prayer to:
Give thanks for:
· Several successful school visits in the summer, including one school making their first visit to the reserve.
· Some great work being done by volunteers collecting data on water quality and species groups.
Please pray for:
· Work on planning the programme for 2025.
· Sarah, our Manager, as she draws up the management plan for the reserve for the coming years.
· The outcomes of the recent UN Biodiversity Conference (COP16) in Cali, Columbia and the Climate COP (COP 29) in Baku, Azerbaijan, for real and effective action and not just fine-sounding pronouncements.
· Foxearth Meadows to be able to play a part in wider nature restoration.
Which leads me to an invitation:
Prayer for Foxearth Meadows
Sarah (our manager) would like us to begin the New Year with a prayer walk at the Foxearth Meadows, to pray for our work on the reserve (e.g. that it will be good for nature, a blessing to the people who volunteer and visit, and honouring to God, helping people find the Creator as they enjoy His creation).
The walk is pencilled in for the morning of Tuesday 7 January 2025 (weather permitting; time to be confirmed). If you’d like to dress up warm and join us, we’ll be delighted.