Foxearth Meadows Nature Reserve
Our Open Air Service on Sunday, 9 June is part of an A Rocha UK “Act for Nature” event.
12.30 pm Join us in the beautiful surroundings of Foxearth Meadows for a picnic lunch (bring your own).
1.15 pm Dragonfly and Damselfly ID Walks with expert guides: discover some of the fascinating species that can be seen on the reserve or learn what’s below the surface in a pond-dipping session.
3.00 pm Open Air Service, worshipping our creator God in the midst of his creation, with a talk from theologian and A Rocha UK’s Head of Engagement Jo Herbert-James.
4.00 pm Tea, coffee, cordial and cake and an opportunity to learn more about A Rocha UK’s vision and future plans, and how you can get involved.
5.00 pm Close
You are welcome to join us at any stage in the programme.
Please display the poster where appropriate.