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Folk Concert at St George’s Church

19 May 2015 No Comment

Folk Concert at St George’s Church – Saturday 13 June

Aveley Lane, Shimpling, IP29 4HF.

A benefit concert for The Milkmaid Folk Arts Project and Alpheton and Shimpling Churches.

Featuring Sound Tradition, (singing folk group) and several other local acts from the Bury St Edmunds area, who have appeared at the Milkmaid Folk Club, Bury St Edmunds.

7.30pm to 10.00pm (Doors open from 7.00pm) Advance bookings ring Richard on 01284 827008 and leave name/contact details and tickets required. (To be collected on the door). Advance tickets £8.00, on the night £10.00 per adult. Children free. Beer and non-alcoholic drinks available on the night to purchase.

Travel Details from Sudbury direction.
The church is off Aveley Lane, Shimpling (from Sudbury take A134 past Long Melford, on through Bridge Street, take first turning off to your left, follow road, left again into Aveley Lane, continue along Aveley Lane until  you come to some houses and the road bends. Look out for wooden sign on post, on this bend pointing to ‘the Church’ to the left (post is on one’s right)). The church is off Aveley Lane, approached via an avenue of lime trees opposite Old Rectory Lane, Shimpling IP29 RHF.  Parking available in field to the left of the avenue leading to the church.

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