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Flower Festival, Fete & Concert – weekend 26th/27th June 2010

6 June 2010 No Comment

St AndrewsFlower Festival, Fete and Concert on weekend of 26th and 27th June 2010

St Andrew’s are holding a fundraising event that will bring together a wide range of community groups, schools and so on from Great Cornard and Sudbury to showcase their activities in the church and churchyard over the weekend of 26/27 June 2010.

The main attraction will be forty beautiful floral displays in church, provided by the various organisations (somewhat akin to a Christmas Tree festival) The intention is that these displays, will showcase the organisations and so give visitors some taste of what each group is and does.

As well as the displays, we are planning a weekend of entertainment, concerts, and a variety of stalls and displays. There will be refreshments throughout, and we will welcome the public of Great Cornard and Sudbury, from across the generations, young and old, from Saturday morning to Sunday evening.

There is a separate concert on Saturday evening by the Gainsborough Concert Group.

Do come along – you would be very welcome.

Please download our flower festival and concert posters?

John Bleazard
Revd John Bleazard
curate at St Andrew’s, Gt Cornard

58 Canhams Rd
Great Cornard
CO10 0ER

01787 377397

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