Fellowship Football 2008/2009 Season
Some of you may already be aware or have a team involved in the Fellowship Football league. For those that don’t a brief background:
The Fellowship Football league was formed in 2005 and has steadily grown since then. Last year 6 teams were involved in the league from local churches and organisations:
Anglicans United (All Saints Church)
Eden’s A & B Teams
Cornard Christian Fellowship
Sudbury Christians
Sudbury Baptist Church
The emphasis of the league is centred around Christian fellowship and demonstrating that within the community. Games are played on Monday evenings at the Great Cornard sports centre Astroturf and teams consist of 8 players. Last year Anglicans United did the double, winning both league and cup in their first season!
The new season begins in September and we already have two new teams confirmed to join the league, whilst others are restructuring. St Andrews church are to put a team in as are joint churches from Bury St Edmunds. There has also been interest from other churches and this is the reason for this email. We would love to hear from any church or organisation who would be interested in providing players or a team for next season. If so, please contact myself or Paul Tamsett who runs the league and we will provide full details:
My email address: paul@theclarkehouse.net
Paul Tamsett: paultamsett@talktalk.net
It would be great to hear from you!
Thanks & Regards
Paul Clarke
photo credit: 2E0MCA