Fairtrade Fortnight
Fairtrade Fortnight
Fairtrade Fortnight begins on Monday 29 February and runs until Sunday 13 March.
Sudbury visit by Kenyan Fairtrade Tea Farmer
Patrick Kaberia Muthaura, a Fairtrade farmer from Kenya, will tour Suffolk talking to Fairtrade supporters, school children, church and business people.
He will give an illustrated talk on Saturday March 12th at 6:30pm at St John’s Methodist Church, York Road, Sudbury CO10 1ND.
This will be an open visit in which he will talk about his work and the importance of Fairtrade to him and his community. There will be time for questions and answers.
Fairtrade refreshments will be served from 6:00pm. We hope you will come.
Please publicise using this poster.
Fairtrade prayer
Fairtrade Fortnight prayer (From Traidcraft Church service)
May the cup that warms me on a cold day bring safety from the elements to the picker.
May the cup that keeps me going when I’m hard at work, also sustain the life of the grower,
May the cup that soothes my woes remind me of the plight of the poor,
May the cup that cheers me as I rest, bring fair reward to the tea worker,
May the cup of tea grown so far from my home, bind me to the hand that plucked leaves from the bush,
May the God who loves all his creation bless us both as we strive for fairness in His world. Amen
May God bless Patrick as he comes to Essex and Suffolk from his tea plantation in Kenya. Amen