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Easter Story raises a crowd!

4 April 2010 One Comment

The centre of Sudbury came alive to the sound of Roman soldiers on Easter Saturday and didn’t fail to turn the heads of passers-by. This monumental pageant, the culmination of nearly a year’s planning by the main organiser, Eleanor Ridge, came to life as it followed the Easter Story of Jesus’ arrest, trial, crucifixion and resurrection as well as the story of How did God “rest”.

Starting out at The Croft the route followed through North Street, Market Square, Gainsborough Street and back to The Croft taking two hours to enact. It was so realistic and poignant that tears fell from the eyes of many of those who were either taking an active role or who were part of the enormous crowd that were totally immersed in the reality of it all. Despite a shower mid way through the event, the weather held out with the rain only starting to fall as the production reached the end, and following the touching address given by The Rev’d Greg Webb.

From the acting to the costumes, the stage management to the sound, the production was of the highest calibre and professionalism throughout. Most importantly, it was an amazing witness to those people yet to know Christ.

Our thanks on behalf of Churches Together in Sudbury & District go to Eleanor and all those people involved.

Extract from the letter written by Eleanor to the Suffolk Free Press and featured 6th April:

“Thank you – to those who acted confidently and those who were trembling in their sandals; to those who didn’t run for cover when it rained; to those working beforehand and clearing up after; to those who traipsed right round Sudbury so as not to miss any part; to unpaid volunteers policing and ambulance folk; to town council officials; to those responsible for the perfect sound and those billeting wayward soldiers; for attractive costumes and good publicity; for pray-ers and caterers and marshals – the list is endless and I know I would have left someone out.

The first time we presented Easter Story in 2002, God darkened the sky at the crucifixion when our script said “Why is it getting so dark?” and that was amazing. This time I believe God showed us His lovely sense of humour for when Pilate said: “What I can’t stand is this city heat!” – the poor man was dripping with cold and very wet rain!

To all involved – a very heartfelt thank you and every blessing”

View photos (most by Lynda Sebbage) at .

One Comment »

  • CTiS&D said:

    SOME COMMENTS following EASTER STORY 2010! (Collected by Eleanor Ridge)

    We thought it went extremely well and was very challenging and thought provoking for the on-lookers and those who took part. We realise all the extremely hard work put into it the event this time. Thank you very much for all of it – Jeanette and Colin

    What an amazing production! I can’t find the words to describe how emotionally charged and moving Easter Story was – through God’s grace you created an incredible production that bought glory to God in so many ways. The peoples’ faces watching the story unfold revealed the depth of this and who knows what has been planted in their hearts! You should feel deservedly blessed that it worked so well and the weather was reasonable! Well done – Love + Blessings, Lynda

    I’ve been involved with ‘Street Performances’ since 1953 and directly in directing/organising since 1958 and today’s was one of the best. The story line as portrayed was compelling, the acting, music, dance and audio was great and my 9 year old grand-daughter was transfixed as were most of those watching. To have so little discussion in the crowd during the performance and virtually no-one leaving even in the rain shower at St Peters speaks for itself. Well done to all involved. Philip

    I know that you do not look for praise in all that you do for The Lord, but I must say how good I felt The Easter Story went yesterday, for me, the best that has been done! Please be encouraged. Love – Keith

    Just had to say we thought Easter Story was really wonderful – it was so great following the story all around. Thanks for all your hard work, you must have been so satisfied with the result. The sound was excellent – so well done. Lots of love and God Bless Pat and John

    What a triumph for you all after the hard work of the past few months. I hope you were pleased with the outcome. I thought the sound was so much improved and everything seemed, from a bystander, to go very smoothly. I think there were more people than on previous occasions and it was an impressive sight to see the crowd filling the road from the Croft to the top of North Street and following through the town.

    People of Sudbury were yet again made aware of the Christian presence in the town and the up to date significance and relevance of the Easter Story. You should rightly be proud of your achievement. With lots of love Gay

    Thank you very much to everyone for such a marvellous performance on Easter Saturday morning. The whole story of the Trial and Crucifixion of Jesus was completely made real and was one of the most moving and inspiring events we have ever been to.
    The word “congratulations” somehow seems totally inadequate, but we know that many of our friends appreciated all the hard work and were so encouraged by the Witness to all who were there, including ourselves. Again, our very grateful thanks to all, David & Barbara

    I could not believe what I was seeing. It was so moving!

    Thank you for Easter Story – it was such a deep experience. I have never seen anything like it!

    The whole thing was done with such dignity and in the best possible taste

    Thank you because of … and Easter Story I have decided to be baptised in June. When I leave the rehearsals I feel full of love and warmth that stays with me … so Thank you.

    My involvement with the Easter Story was very moving and emotional for me… and this was an opportunity for me personally to show my love and appreciation to God for the life He has given me – Alex (Jesus)

    Many, many expressions of surprised and emotional thanks, some too choked to speak properly. “It was the best Easter Story yet”