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Don’t miss — St Mark’s Gospel LIVE

9 March 2023 No Comment

Wednesday 15 March, 7pm, Bures Parish Church.

A dramatised recital by Gerald Osborne with Colin Heber-Percy. Save the date and spread the word. “So much drama, a stunning performance”; “a remarkable evening… a tour de force”.

It is approximately 60 AD in Rome. Persecution is all around, so Mark is dictating his account of Jesus’ life, death and resurrection to a pagan scribe as a matter of urgency.

Gerald Osborne spent three years memorising the whole of Mark’s Gospel. He and Colin Heber-Percy now present a dramatised version all over the country. They have performed in Salisbury Cathedral, Bath Abbey, the Edinburgh Festival and are now bringing this spectacle to Bures.

There will be a half-way interval with tea or coffee, wine and nibbles.

All welcome — bring friends — it would be helpful if you would let us know if you’re coming by reply.

Email Rev Daniel Whiffin:    vicar@parishchurch.co.uk

It would be a great thing to invite friends and neighbours along too, as a dramatic vehicle into considering Jesus’ life, death and resurrection.

See flyer .

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