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Daughters of The King – Saturday 18 June

10 June 2011 No Comment

Daughters of The King – Saturday 18 June

Val Ford is hosting a “Ladies Day” at Sudbury Baptist Church on Saturday 18 June.

Click for an A4 poster.

Fliers with booking information have been sent to the ministers of all the churches.

Places can also be booked online at www.sudburybaptistchurch.co.uk.

Please click on “Events” and then “Refreshing Days”.  “Daughters of the King” is listed as an option.    The day costs £5 and includes a light lunch.   Payment can be made online by PayPal, or by cheque to Sudbury Baptist Church, Church Street, Sudbury, Suffolk, CO10 2BJ.

Places are available to those who cannot afford to pay.  Please telephone Val Ford for information (01787) 242185 or text: 07837 083703 or email: val.ford@sudburybaptistchurch.co.uk

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