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CTiS&D Prayer Supper at St Andrews

6 October 2021 No Comment

A prayer supper is being arranged at St Andrews Church on Thursday 21st October at 19.00. The supper will consist of jackets potato with chilli and sweet. There will be alternatives for those with special dietary requirements. The cost will be £5 a head and any surplus will be put in the CTiS Dorcas Fund which is used to help those in special need.

Will you please let Peter Halden know you are coming (by Monday 18th October at the latest) by email at peterhalden@hotmail.com and let him know of any special dietary requirements.

A convivial meal followed by a time of prayer where spoken contributions are optional. All are welcome, but please notify Peter as above.

If you are coming, please respond as soon as possible so that Peter knows there are sufficient for the supper to be viable.

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