CTiS&D AGM & Elections
Our AGM is on Monday 7 October, at 7 for 7.30pm at Sudbury Catholic Church. Everyone is welcome, and we hope all member churches and linked organisations will be represented.
The relevant papers are on our website churchestogetherinsudbury.org.uk/ . Please go there and download the appropriate documents, which include a poster, agenda, our annual report and officer nomination form.
Are you passionate about sharing the love of God in our community, do you enjoy learning, praying and worshipping with Christians from different churches, would you like to be involved in the planning of Churches Together events, working together with Christians across Sudbury to further God’s work and support each other in fellowship? If so, Churches Together in Sudbury and District needs you! Elections for officers will take place at the AGM and all posts are open for nominations. If you would like to stand, please return the nomination form by 3rd October. If you wish to find out more about what is involved, please speak to one of the current post-holders:
Chairperson: Peter Halden
Vice-chair: Andy Jowitt, Gerry Higginson
Treasurer: Jim Stewart/Peter Heard
Executive secretary: Ruth Ridge
Minutes Secretary: Gill Phillips
Communications Officer: Malcolm Snow.
The committee really needs new members so do prayerfully consider if this is something you are called to do.
Peter Halden will not be standing as Chairman. Please consider prayerfully whether you, or someone you know, might be the right person to help carry Churches Together in Sudbury & District forward into the coming months.
Among the items on the agenda, we will have updates on projects/interests including Kintsugi Hope from New Life Church.