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CTiS Prayer Supper 11 July 2019 Supper @ 19.00 (meeting starts 19.45)

20 June 2019 No Comment

The above is being hosted by St Andrews Church but there is a need to choose your food option in advance!!

A sit-down meal will be provided with a choice of BBQ pork loin, BBQ salmon or cheese and tomato tart (veggie option).   All served with salad, coleslaw, potato salad and French bread.   If you have other dietary requirements, please let us know.

There will be a drink (soft or wine) and a sweet and tea or coffee.

The cost of the supper will be £5.

The meal will be followed by a short time of business, which will be followed by a time of prayer.

The evening will conclude at 21.00.

Please could you let Gill Phillips know if you intend to come to the meal and your food choices by emailing her on: gillian.phillips@gmx.co.uk by 4th July.

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