Computer requested for Crofton House
Computer requested for Crofton House – from Brendan Wren
I am currently the house rep, and with the new staff members and management happening beginning of this year, there are a lot of plans ahead for the project of Crofton House. Crofton House is a housing organisation that also works on a charitable basis with regards to homelessness and those with mental and physical issues within housing. There are many outside organisations and individuals that work within the Genesis Housing umbrella (owners of the Crofton House project), however, in such times as we are in now, money and support towards these projects is being reduced significantly. Within Crofton House we have a single computer that is 12 years old, which is available for residents to use. We are looking to the local community to see if there is anyone with a spare computer, or would like to contribute towards one. The use of technology in today’s times has taken over every role in our lives in an attempt to make things easier, however this only works if the technology is up to scratch. The computer we use currently is not capable of the tasks residents require in their search for properties, and support. The use of a computer within the project would make the process of bidding within the gateway to home choice site, along with the ability to find and reference local organisations like; local NHS numbers, Samaritans, Suicide hotline, Citizens advice bureau, and many more….. much easier when in demand.
If anyone is able to contribute a usable computer towards the project, we would be greatly appreciative of it.
Please contact Brendan Wren for more information