Churches Together Open Forum
Four times a year, people from local churches gather for an “Open Forum” where we have a speaker on a topic of local, national or international importance and have an opportunity to ask questions. We also share news of our churches. Any essential business is usually very brief. The next is on Thursday 26th January, at 7.30pm,with refreshments from 7pm. It is at Stour Valley Vineyard Church, which is in Tudor Road between Tudor School and Ormiston Academy. The speaker is Sara Merritt, who will talk about “Rising Hope” and “Fairtrade”. Sara is a Pentecostal Quaker and an Anglican pioneer lay minister, leading a project/church/community called Rising Hope on a little farm in Little Cornard. Intrigued? Come and find out more!
These meetings are open to everyone: do please come along if you can, and make them widely known in your own church.
Please display the Forum Poster .
From time to time, we hear of local church members who have little knowledge of Churches Together. You might wish to include a note such as this, in your own church pew sheet or notices.
Churches Together Newsletter
On behalf of Churches Together in Sudbury & District, a weekly email newsletter is circulated with information about the activities of CTiS&D and individual churches, and other matters of interest.
To broaden your Christian horizons beyond our own church, subscribe by sending a request to .