Churches Together Open Forum
Thursday 30th June at 7.30 pm at St Andrew’s Church, Great Cornard.
Coffee and cake from 7pm. (No BBQ this year.)
Revd Chris Ramsey will tell us about his sabbatical, and “Men’s Sheds”.
Tim Ayrton will speak about No 72 and working with Ukrainian Refugees.
All are welcome! Please join us for this first Forum of 2022; Covid forced cancellation of meetings planned for January and April. And please spread the word in your church!
This is a great opportunity to meet Christians from other churches, to learn more about Churches Together in Sudbury & District, and to give your views.
Our treasurer, Peter Heard, has prepared a Finance Report for the period 1 September 2021 to 1 June 2022. Here is the Agenda .
Please download and display the poster .
Forums are usually held quarterly, but times have been far from normal. The minutes of the October 2021 AGM & Forum are here, and those of the January 2020 Forum are here.