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Churches Together in Sudbury & District win Community Achievement Award

22 December 2007 No Comment

Churches TogetherBabergh DC have just announced a Community Achievement Award to our churches in Sudbury & District.  This is in recognition of  “projects which make a real difference to their local community…and those who consistently make life better for others”.  The Panel noted the projects which are run by, or enabled by, joint Church support, including  Kettle & Fish, Christmas Hampers, Edens, FutureVision, Marriage Focus, and (until January this year)  Sudbury Way Inn;  plus support for WATCH! and St Nicholas Hospice – and many other causes.

The actual presentation will be in March, but we could see this as a timely birthday gift to our Lord Jesus.  It is the local community honouring His Body here on earth.

Every individual church here deserves recognition for its own service to the community.  But what this reminds us once again is that certain projects are beyond any one church to organise and sustain.   Together we can have a greater effect in our community. We trust that as a result, hearts are more receptive when we offer Christ’s call to ‘Follow Me’.

This Award mentions no individuals or churches. It is to the Church in Sudbury & District. However it results from thousands of hours of service freely given by hundreds of people, often unseen except by our loving God.


We warmly thank all those who have played their part in this most valuable work. And we are encouraged and inspired to continue in His footsteps in 2008.

May all who have worked so hard – and the community we serve – experience the peace of Christ this Christmas time.

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