Churches Together in Sudbury & District AGM & Open Forum
Churches Together in Sudbury & District AGM & Open Forum
Thursday 29 September, in Friars Hall, United Reformed Church, School Street, Sudbury at 7.30pm, with refreshments from 7pm.
This is your chance to meet with members of other local churches and to learn about the activities of Churches Together in Sudbury and District, and the many associated groups, during the past year.
You can also express your views.
After the routine business and elections for various officers, there will be a talk by Revd James Ridge on “The work of a prison chaplain”.
The meeting is open to all.
See the agenda , Chairmans Report , annual reports and Diary Dates (suitable for printing) which includes key dates for 2017.
See also the CTiS&D Financial Statement covering the period from the June Forum to 31 August 2016.
Please display the poster where appropriate.
At the meeting, these officers were elected:
Chairman Gerry Higginson
Vice chairmen Peter Halden, Malcolm Offord
Executive Secretary Revd Ruth Ridge
Treasurer Peter Heard
Minutes Secretary Gill Phillips
The minutes of the meeting will be available later.