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Christian Aid Week

30 April 2014 No Comment

Christian Aid Week – Sunday 11th to Saturday 17th May 2014

There is still time to volunteer for the door to door envelope collection. Lists of roads in Sudbury and Great Cornard likely to need collectors are attached:

Speak to me, Malcolm Snow (malcolmsnow@onetel.com or 01787 374096) as soon as possible if you can help.


Reminder – This year the service will be at St Gregory’s Church at 6.30pm on Sunday 11th May. The preacher will be Revd John Boardman from St John’s Methodist Church, Sudbury, and the service will be conducted by Revd Greg Webb and representatives from local churches. We hope you will be able to come and to learn how Christian Aid and its partners are working to bring an end to poverty around the world – tackling its root causes as well as its effects.

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