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Christian Aid Week

20 April 2013 No Comment

Christian Aid Week

Christian Aid and its partners work to bring an end to poverty around the world – tackling its root causes as well as its effects – on behalf of churches in Britain & Ireland. Christian Aid Week this year runs from 12th to 18th May.

We are grateful to many people who already help with the door to door envelope collection, but we could always do with more, in Sudbury, Great Cornard, or other villages.

If you can help, please contact me, Malcolm Snow, malcolmsnow@onetel.com, 01787 374096, or for Long Melford only, contact Jane Kohler, jane@alnic.co.uk , 01787 310373.

United Service

The second CTiS&D United Service of 2013 is on Sunday 12th May and marks the beginning of Christian Aid Week. It is at Sudbury Baptist Church at 6.30pm. The speaker is the Revd John Clark, a Baptist Minister who served for many years in Latin America and is now very much part of the Christian Community here in Sudbury. The Revd John Boardman, minister at St John’s Methodist Church, will lead the service.

Please publicise this service. Download poster .

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