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Christian Aid Week

9 March 2023 No Comment

This year the dates are Sunday 14 to Saturday 20 May. If you are a regular, we look forward to your help again. If not, we ask you to consider volunteering to deliver envelopes in Sudbury, Gt Cornard or Long Melford. Please speak to your church Christian Aid rep, or send an email to Malcolm Snow via ctis.news@gmail.com . We are especially in need of people to cover parts of Great Cornard and Long Melford, and also the Clermont Avenue area and parts of the Chaucer estate in Sudbury.

Christian Aid, on behalf of British churches, seeks to eradicate extreme poverty by tackling its root causes. Together with people living in poverty, we amplify our voices to speak truth to power and create lasting change. Our emergency programmes include the Turkey/Syria earthquake region, Ukraine, and the East Africa Hunger Crisis.

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