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Christian Aid Week 12 – 18 May 2019

17 April 2019 No Comment

Christian Aid works on behalf of British churches in more than 40 countries, not only providing emergency relief but, more importantly, supporting long term development and campaigning to end poverty and hunger.

In and around Sudbury we have a magnificent group of helpers for the door to door envelope collection in Christian Aid Week each May, but we could always do with more. Speak to your church representative or to Ann Boardman (jandab@hotmail.co.uk , 01787 372738) as soon as possible if you can help.

The week begins with a United Service for Christian Aid on Sunday 12 May, 6.30pm at St Andrew’s, Gt Cornard. The speaker will be the Revd John Boardman, Minister at St John’s Methodist Church. All are welcome.

Malcolm Snow was Local Organiser for Sudbury & Great Cornard for a number of years. Ann Boardman now has that role, but this year will be her last. Her husband John will retire in July. They will be moving away from the area, to be nearer family. We are pleased to say that Clare Lodge has kindly agreed to work with Ann this year and take over for 2020.

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