Christian Aid Week
Christian Aid Week
…. ran from Sunday 15th May to Saturday 21st May.
There has been a great expenditure of time, energy and money by many people. Grateful thanks to all concerned. The total for Sudbury & Gt Cornard is currently £4817. Late contributions, and Gift Aid, will increase this figure. Separate collections have been held in other areas.
This was Christian Aid week. We got off to a good start with the service on Sunday. Almost 100 people were there. Many thanks to all involved. Read Tim Macquiban’s sermon.
Can you help count the money from the door-to-door collections? – next Tuesday evening (24th May) from 7 pm. If you haven’t done this before, ask me, Malcolm Snow ( , 01787 374096), or Keith Horton ( , 01787 376030) for details.
In Sudbury and District, we have a splendid band of volunteers who help with the door-to-door envelope collection, but we could always do with more.
If you have not collected before, and could spare some time during that week, please speak to your church rep or contact our new Local organiser for Sudbury & Great Cornard:
Mrs Christine Rogers, 114 Queens Rd, Sudbury, CO10 1PQ, Tel: 01787 371868, email , or contact me ( ) for any area.