Christian Aid
Churches Together United Service for Christian Aid
The service to launch Christian Aid Week in Sudbury & District will be on Sunday 14th May at 6.30 pm at St John’s Methodist Church, York Road, Sudbury. The speaker is Revd Simon Gill. This service is open to everyone, whether or not you are a collector, and is a chance to learn more about Christian Aid as well as joining in the worship.
Christian Aid Week 14th to 20th May 2017
We welcome new volunteers for the house-to-house collection in Sudbury and Great Cornard. If you can help, speak to your Christian Aid representative or contact Ann Boardman (see below) as soon as possible.
This year there will also be a bucket collection in Sudbury Town Centre on Saturday 20th May. If you cannot collect house-to-house, but could help with this, please contact Ann Boardman (phone 01787 372738 or email