Our first ever Causeway meeting was a very encouraging start. Thirteen people with learning disabilities turned up to enjoy singing and flag waving, some joining in with tambourine or guitar. We shared our news, experiences and prayed for things that were on our mind. It was great to let our hair down in a relaxed carefree environment.
Sue told the story of how Jesus calmed the storm while he was out in a boat on Lake Galilee with his disciples. She explained that if we have moments in our lives when we are frightened and don’t know where to turn we can always turn to Jesus who protects us from the storms of life.
We finished the evening by getting to know each other over a cuppa and a biscuit.
Our next session is on Monday 23rd November where we will be remembering the Christmas story and sampling some home made Christmas punch.
We meet 7.30 pm – 8.45pm at All Saints Church Hall, Church Street, Sudbury.
For more details phone Lynne 379407 or Sue 8803.
SOS to all churches the one problem people with learning disabilities have is transport. Do you have anyone who would be willing to befriend a member of your congregation with learning disabilities and give up one evening a month to bring them along, I can guarantee they will an enjoy the evening .
So, if you want to learn more about Jesus and what he means for you and like singing, find church services hard to understand and have a learning disability, come along to Causeway, a new monthly group especially for you.