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22 January 2010 No Comment

The next CAP Money course is due to start at Number Seventy Two on Wednesday 3rd Feb at 7.30pm. It is a free 3 week course run by trained volunteers from local churches.

I attach a poster about it and would be grateful if this could be circulated via the Church News email . The course is helpful to anyone who wants to be in control of their money rather than their money controlling them, and it would be great if the opportunity to attend the course was passed on to people known to each church who could be helped by it:

Feedback from the courses we held last year include:

  • Able to take control/ begin saving for the future
  • More idea how to budget
  • Made me think about my finances more
  • Less scared, more positive
  • Less worried

For further information please call Ruth on 01787 227689 or at ruthwoodman@waitrose.com

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