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Canoeing for Christian Aid

1 July 2019 No Comment

On July 15th Rev John Boardman will be doing his final paddle supporting Christian Aid’s work with orphans in Kenya. If anyone would like to support this project their gift will be multiplied by 20 by USAID!!! 

Please visit https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/john-boardman8 .

If you or anyone you know might be interested in joining John on (preferably not in) the River Stour near Dedham, please contact the organisers via cacanoe@outlook.com. The stable canoes accommodate two adults. There is a poster – please publicise. Some photos from previous years can be seen at www.flickr.com/photos/sudburychurchestogether/albums .

The Rt Revd Dr Mike Harrison, Suffragan Bishop of Dunwich in the Anglican Diocese of St Edmundsbury and Ipswich, adds:
 “This is a great way to support Christian Aid and in particular its vital work in the area of Climate Justice, as well as enabling donations to go far further than Gift Aid or the like, and I encourage you to join me in sponsoring this initiative”.

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