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Can you help?

31 July 2018 No Comment

Can you help?

The message below has come to me via a walking group I am connected with. Our 5 mile walks would be no help to this lady, but I will pass on any ideas. Even walking alone to a regular group to be with others might be better than nothing. Please reply to me, Malcolm Snow, usingmalcolmsnow@onetel.com .

“I am writing on behalf of my mother who lives alone in Sudbury, Suffolk.
She is in her late eighties and has always enjoyed rambling, both for exercise and social reasons.
Recently, she has had some spine issues and her walking is now restricted to slow walks around the town/countryside of Suffolk. She can manage a couple of easy miles.
Also recently, she has lost the company of her long-time walking friend, who has had a very bad stroke. My mother now has nobody to stroll with and is becoming lonely.
My question to you…..I have been researching if there are any OAP walking groups in Sudbury that she could join, but I am struggling to find any. I thought perhaps you (or your group) might know of something.
Many thanks for your kind consideration.”

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