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Can you help?

3 May 2017 No Comment

Can you help? – a message from St John’s

We have a new initiative at St John’s with the appointment of a community worker, Emma Smy, using money donated by Tony Wheeler.

On Fridays between 9.30 am and 11.30 am there is time and space for parents with babies and toddlers to sit and chat or take part in activities and singing.  Between 1.00 and 3.00 pm there is Open House when there is an opportunity to play table tennis, board games including scrabble or to sit and chat over a drink and biscuits.  At 3.30 pm we have “TGIF – Thank Goodness Its Friday” when we provide after school activities for primary school children – and their younger siblings – until 5.00 pm.

We would be grateful for support for the Community Worker in supervising the activities – the more support she has, the more activities she can run – and in serving refreshments to children and parents.

If you can spare a short time on a Friday, subject to DBS being obtained, please contact either Beverly Richardson beverly@suffex.demon.co.uk or Gill Phillips gillian.phillips@gmx.co.uk.

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