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7 September 2009 No Comment

image0021Why not learn to play (or brush up on) bridge classes?

A series of beginners (or near beginners) bridge classes are planned commencing Friday 16th  October 7.30pm with an optimum number of 8 per class.

Cost: £25 each person for the course, with half the proceeds going towards supporting Sudbury Town Pastors and  half  to Men in Christ.

They will held in the evening as this should hopefully encourage those at work during the day. It will also be an opportunity for Christian folk to bring along a non- Christian partner / friend, although having a partner is not a pre- requisite.

Please contact Peter Sebbage on 01787 466180 email:  psebbage@btinternet.com directly by 21st September should you wish to participate. The first 8 will be invited but, according to the response, a further course can be run in Jan / Feb 2010.

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