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An Advent Pilgrimage to the Holy Land

25 February 2015 No Comment

An Advent Pilgrimage to the Holy Land – 24th November to 3rd December 2015

Travel with us to the Holy Land and let the Bible come alive as we travel to see the places described in the Gospels.    Our pilgrimage has been planned for late November, when the weather should be cooler and the sites quieter and ideal for touring.   Visits will include Jericho, the Sea of Galilee, Tiberius, Masada, the Dead Sea, Nazareth and Capernaum and many more.   A particular highlight will be the opportunity to worship with fellow Christians in Jerusalem as we celebrate Advent Sunday together, having spent the previous day in Bethlehem, the site of our Lord’s Nativity.


Full details of this comprehensive Pilgrimage can be found in the Brochure. (See also Booking Form) For more information please contact The Revd Mark Woodrow from Lavenham Church on 01787 247959 or revdmarkwoodrow@gmail.com.

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